Project Engineering
Sinergie S.r.l. boasts a well-established experience
in the planning interventions field related to many sectors of intervention.
Here are some examples:
- international cooperation;
- equal opportunities man/woman and gender policies;
- work management and trade-union relationships;
- requirements analysis;
- analysis and coordination of social and territorial actions;
training actions.
In dealing with the research and intervention on human factors,
Sinergie, with in-house expertise in social, economic & management,
training and experience in project management fields, manages or
participates actively, as a partner or starting ex novo projects,
in various research projects in different fields.
In the project engineering sector, Sinergie takes up an all-inclusive
technique which – starting from the problem or from the result that
you want to achieve – goes through:
- seeking of a suitable source of finance;
- handling construction of the partnership for the carrying out of
the project;
- making of the budget according to the available resources;
- planning of the intervention, by benefiting from a considerable
pool of specialized professionals;
- performing the procedure for the finance approval;
- coordinating the project carrying out phase;
- disseminating actions;
managing the economic/financial statement of
the project.
Such an integrated approach allows the making of projects that,
considering the structure characteristics of the involved partners,
the budget and the aim you want to achieve, enjoy the following
Maximisation of the use of the involved
The making of the planning
budgets on the base of the real possibilities of the involved structures
and of the aims you want to achieve, together with the use of progressive
instruments of planning coordination and high professionalism in the
management sector, allow to maximize the use of the available resources
for the project both from Sinergie and its partners.
Minimum impact on the
The devolution of the coordination activity, together
with the correct management of the available resources, allows the
maximum use of the resources (human and material) with a minimum impact
on the structures, in a perspective of correct planning coordination
and task division, without minimizing each partner’s role.
Very high possibility
to achieve the set aims
The use of high professionalism, the incessant monitoring
and planning coordination job and the rational use of the resources,
allow Sinergie to boast a very high percentage of achievement of the
aims set during the planning, reducing to the minimum the risk of
failure of the actions due to a collapse in the partnership, budget
reduction, excessive pressure on one of the involved structures, etc…
origin of a partnership