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Phase One

The project, started in November 2002, is proceeding according to the foreseen time planning.
Sinergie specifically is responsible for giving one split of the Domotica Italian market.
After he comparison whit a few interlocutors and privileged witnesses coming from companies , universities, training corporations and laboratories of experimentation, which we take the opportunity to thank to, we have noticed that we speak very much about Domotica but often we use incorrect terms and media tend to supply us with a partial vision of the sector.

Speaking about Domotica, infact means to consider not only the home Automation market but a market much more diversified which sees engaged new actors and professional figures which is asked an adequate preparation and different professional expertises to face the new market.
As regards the professional figures which we are evaluating and studying besides we underline that no institutional corporation has defined and assessed yet an expertise repertoire necessary to face the new market.
This uncertainty seems to have consequences also on the definition of professional courses because on one site it’ s difficult to create courses able to give an adequate training to young people that begin to face with labour market for the first time. On the other site it’ s also difficult to create training path for workers that should bring the expertise up to date to remain competitive as regards the new possibility and chance.
This look confirms the fact that the training offer generally remains in late as regards the question if training corporations, schools, universities do not work in narrow contact with the entrepreneurial world, identifying the expertise necessary for new professional figure and preparing adequate training actions .
Domus Novo Partners work in this optics, adding an European point of view to the Smart professional house market.

Infact we have assessed the expertise repertoires more credited that describe the professional figures studied and in the next phases we will compare and confront different European experiences.

Final objective will be to define an adequate training path that will give the possibility to these professional figures to become competitive on the labour market and to access to new working chances.

We remain at disposal advices or contributions for clarifications on the theme of the Domotica and who wanted to take part in the various phases of the project or to be informed about the future developments can contact us clicking here below.


- State of the project -

Phase onePhase twoPhase three


More info


Sinergie S.r.l. - Via Vespucci, 30 - 10129 Torino - 

Tel +39 011.581.83.44

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