the second phase which each partner has outlined the evolution factors
specific of the new professional figure in, according to the areas which
had been defined in the meeting preceding kept him to Rodez, a Survey
has been built with the aim to validate the identified evolution factors.
The Survey
has been supplied to a Panel of experts coming from the various partner
The sharing of
the results of the Survey, the study of the state of the art of
the Domotica in different countries and the in-depth analysis of the
specific training system for of every country partner took to a
shared work of definition of a repertoire of expertise which should
go to outline the new professional figure.
The specific
expertise has been assembled in 4 macro areas:
- Physical installation of domotic systems.
- Configuration and planning of domotic systems.
- Negotiation and business techniques.
- Quality and Safety and Health.
The produced
document has been shared during the meeting of Turin where all partners
compared relative to the possible modifications to be realized seen
the difficulty to make the document transferable in every partner country.
they have discussed about the definition of a common name to be
given to this new professional figure, even if this aspects seems to
be of secondary importance, it is actually strategic to give the rime
name/definition not to create confusions and misurandestanding
at Transactional level.
In each country
in fact the given names or the terms assume different meaning and
also meant at times several which can support interpretation difficulty.
The name
of new professional figures is:
Building Automation and System
Next step
is the definition of a training course to train this new professional
However this
Step foresees, at methodological level, a strategic passage which has
been part object of the meeting of Turin: the definition of the access
qualifications to the training and the aims to reach after the training.
aspect for two reasons:
- the differences in training terms in different countries
- the necessity of providing a clear reference picture to the future
users what will enjoy
After a discussion
and a comparison, as it is possible to highlight from the submitting
figure, partners have decided that we could place the professional
figure at an intermediate level between the specialized technical training and
the university training.
This supposes
that who will want to be admitted to the training course should have
at least got one of the three technical specializations. (electrician,
programmer, installer).
This will
not preclude the possibility of enjoying the training course at
the superior level, but it will be important that who will decide to
attend the training course should have, at least, the knowledge and
the expertise of a technical training.
This Training
course has been thought to be supplied at professional level or for
a target of persons that already works, but wish to acquire the
necessary skills to work on domotic sectorand also for a target
of persons that have acquired one of the three technical specialization
described on the base of the pyramid.
automation and system integrator will be a figure, as we describe
before, who will be able to organize and manage project team of
electricians, installers, programmers that will work in domotics projects
and contextually to be able to talk and work with customers, suppliers
and other professional figures involved in the process.
We can interpret
these aspects reading skills and knowledge that we tried to define and
share about technical aspects of all the three professional figures
and cross aspect of negotiation, marketing, communication and laws.
The expertise
repertoire will be still validated from a second Panel of experts to
which will be asked, through a new Survey, every expertise defined.
The material
product will be organized in a DVD which wants to be an approximation
to the Domotica and the new professional figure in the study.
of evaluation, documentation concerning the expertise to acquire, an
in-depth bibliography built through the all the partner countries and
all the used a references paper that and On line contribution for the
project will be present in the DVD.
If someone
is interested in coming in to do part of the Panel of experts who
will validate the professional figure can have the Survey to fill
in and to send us by e-mail. The Panel of experts, subject to approval,
will be mentioned in the documentation which will be produced following
the project.
During the
meeting besides a new model has been outlined, this model is actually
in study phase and elaboration in Spain at present, for who wanted to
read the general lines scheme about it, can unload the photographs of
the model soon.
The new model,
as it is possible to see, supplements well with the new professional
figure which a definite management role would assume of a crucial phase
of the process.
To have more
information about the project can contact us
also possible to see the photos of the meeting
State of the project -
