Sinergie S.r.l. is a consulting company based in Turin.
We work at regional, national and international level, mainly for category associations, unions and public administrations.
The main activity sectors are:

• human resources management, including orientation in the work context and interpersonal communication skills and the organisational problem solving related to human factors.
• training actions, with particular accent on vocational training for people who are currently employed and need to update or maintain their skills and for people reentering the job market.
• quality assurance in the human sector (by this we mean any procedures or decisions witch have an impact on the people involved, whether those people are employees or customer). We also help companies implement and maintain standards of quality established in the E.F.Q.M. norms.

The above mentioned activity sectors are implemented in the following activities:

• international cooperation;
• equal opportunities man/woman and gender policies;
• job management and trade-union relationships;
• requirements analysis;
• analysis and coordination of social and territorial actions;

In European projects we focused primarily on vocational training and human resources management and problem solving.

In dealing with the research and intervention on human factors, Sinergie, with in-house expertise in social, economic & management, training and experience in project management fields, manages or participates actively, as a partner or starting ex novo projects, in various research projects in different fields.

In the project engineering sector, Sinergie takes up an all-inclusive technique which – starting from the problem or from the result that our partners wants to achieve – goes through:
• seeking of a suitable source of finance;
• handling construction of the partnership for the carrying out of the project;
• making of the budget according to the available resources;
• planning of the intervention, by benefiting from a considerable pool of specialized professionals;
• performing the procedure for the finance approval;
• coordinating the project carrying out phase;
• disseminating actions;
• managing the economic/financial statement of the project.


The Sinergie group is not only composed by the Sinergie Company: not considering smaller participations, is important to report:

CONSORZIO NETWORK: The Network consortium, established and controlled by Sinergie, is based in the towns of Torino and Biella and groups 247 firms splitted as follows:

  • Industry 109
  • Handicraft 92
  • Commerce and Services 46

    Total employees of the syndicated firms: 9.000
    Total turnover of the syndicated firms: 2 Mld. €


ARCOFORM: a joint company founded by Sinergie S.r.l., Confesercenti (entrepreneurial trade and services association) and C.N.A. (entrepreneurial craftsmen association).
The main activities of Arcoform are:

  • Vocational training
  • Projects aimed to the structural and economic development of the interest areas


Sinergie S.r.l. - Via Amendola, 6- 10121 Torino - 

Tel +39

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