Effective crisis prevention and management are at the heart of european and non european citizens’ wellbeing, and are an objective that deserves priority, in the field of safety. These two issues are also among the biggest challenges that european society and economy will have to face in the future.
Today actions and initiatives regarding prevention and crisis management are mainly oriented towards these two fields::
• Natural disasters (including here the excessive population growth and the consequences of air pollution and increasing consumption)
• Unconventional threats (terrorism, criminal organizations, etc.). Threats or crisis related to the first field are strongly connected to the human impact on the environment, which has been transformed in a nonconforming way, and to industrial processes that don’t respect the environment. These threats or crisis deeply affect economy, trade and communication in the affected areas.
It has been clear since 9/11 that new unconventional threats don’t have stable geographic boundaries and strike quite frequently.
Analisys, however, still haven’t really focused on the incidence of this kind of emergencies in civil protection, humanitarian and non-profit organizations, and in society in general. Issues such as the volontary teams preparedness, the decision making necessary in critical situations, the relationship between public services and local institutions on one hand, and local institutions and voluntary associations on the other, still haven’t been fully taken into analisys in all their complexity.
Over the last years Sinergie has used in this field methods and procedures typical of private companies and of the management world. The cooperation between operators, research institutions and organisational and technological solution developers lead to three main work areas, prepared and sustained within the European Commission frame.
The three areas refer to the following projects:

PRE-EMERGENCIES (2006/2007) - The pre-emergencies project is aimed at developing an emergency response model able to enhance integration among the various entities involved in planning and managing the response to an emergency. More specifically, the project focused on enhancing communication and information exchange among the different teams, and on behavioral and organizational patterns observed when responding to an emergency.

RED (2007/2008) - Reinforce Rescuers' Resilience by Empowering a well-being Dimension. Coping with an emergency can be very hard for operators involved, and difficulties can continue even when the event is over. The projects focuses on reinforcing the wellbeing of operators and professionals in psychology, and on the creation of specific education programs in the psychosocial sector. The project is also working on the creation of an international network of psychosocial intervention.

NMFRDisaster (2008/2009) - Identifying the Needs of Medical First Responders in Disaster.
The project aims at identifying the needs of emergency medical personnel during disasters. Research focuses on the following issues:
1) Use of blood and blood products in disasters; 2) Training methodology and technology currently used; 3) Psychological preparedness of operators who have to respond to and confront themselves with an event; 4) Ethical and legal issues influencing the medical response to disasters; 5) Personal protective equipment used in case of unconventional scenarios.

In creating and developing these projects we have built strong partnerships, able to put forward the best experiences and competencies existing in each field. We have, therefore, proven to be successful at a european level for our method and approach and for the results we have obtained.

Some of our partners in this field are: Croce Rossa Italiana, France Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Cruz Roja Espanola, SAMUR Proteccion Civil, Magen David Adom, Regione Valle d’Aosta, Câmara Municipal de Lisboa, Anas, Tunnel del Frejus, GEIE Mont Blanc Tunnel, ANAS, Stichting Impact, AmbulanceZorg Nederland, Politecnico di Milano, Università di Torino e Pavia, several Italian Civil Protection Regional Directions.


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Sinergie S.r.l. - Via Amendola, 6- 10121 Torino - 

Tel +39 011.56-20.299