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Reinforce Rescuers' Resilience by Empowering a well-being Dimension
Croce Rossa Italiana
– Comitato Regionale del Piemonte
The Croce Rossa Italiana is one of the italian's most important charitable
institutions, and public opinion in respect to the Croce Rossa Italiana
is positive.
The Croce Rossa Italiana is present throughout Italy. It is structured
into 102 provincial committees, 20 regional committees and 432 local
committees. Both the provincial and regional committees are managed
by a board of directors elected by and from among the members. The
Croce Rossa Italiana of Piedmont, the project coordinator, is a branch
of Italian national Red Cross (member of the International Federation
of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies). The Croce Rossa Italiana
is comprised of the following components:
- Military corps. Is an auxiliary corps of the Italian Army with the
following tasks: evacuation and cure of war sick and wounded, victims
of the armed conflicts, development of sanitary and charitable tasks
related to civil defense activity
- Voluntary nurses. Is an auxiliary corps of the Italian Army with
the following tasks: antiaircraft and anti-gas sanitary defense of
the civil populations, aids to the populations in case of epidemics
and public calamities, hygienic-sanitary and charitable field actions,
the sanitary attendance and the hygienic education in favor of the
- First Aid Voluntaries. Is the biggest component of the movement
with the following tasks: ill transport service, first aid, social-assistance
activities with specialized crews for the psychological emergency,
sanitary education, civil protection, immigration, aid in sea, track,
cove and mountain, spread of the humanitarian international rights,
national and international emergency tied to calamity and situations
of armed conflict in interested countries
- Women's Committee. The main task are: attendance in favor of less
well-to-do, of risk categories and all those who is been involved
in emergencies of varied kind, spreading of the image and the Principles
of the Red Cross by means of own initiatives and the access to the
information organs
- Pioneers. They work in hospitals, rest-houses, pediatric units and
lend attendance to domicile, the participation to seminaries and national
and international juvenile encounter with the organization meeting
between groups pertaining to other Societies of the Red Cross and
Red Crescent, spread of the fundamental principles of the Red Cross
inside of the young layers of the population, work in the Campaign
for the protection of the symbol and in the Campaign in favor of the
victims of the antipersonnel mines.
- Blood Donors. They are common people that every day face thousand
problems and that works in the penumbra in order to achieve one great
mission, save people life just donating their blood.
In particular, the mission of the Piedmont Red Cross is to improve
the lives of vulnerable people, both nationally and internationally,
especially in the fields of relief, health, social care and youth.
The Piedmont Red Cross forms part of the national defense system (military
health auxiliary), the national civil defense system and the national
health system, particularly with regard to relief activities and blood
collection and taking-care of people traumatised by natural or man-made
